VI - Think Before You Smoke : APC Non-smoking Campaign

Hi there, readers! I want to share to you my view of smoking because our college is holding a non-smoking campaign, and I thought why not? ...

Hi there, readers! I want to share to you my view of smoking because our college is holding a non-smoking campaign, and I thought why not?


Smoking. It maybe a way of stress relieving, it maybe a way of addiction, it maybe a way of being 'cool' or 'pa cool', or just simply having fun. There are different reasons why people smoke but, in my opinion, there is no excuse in doing such. There is no excuse of doing smoking, drinking, drug abuse, or anything that is not supposed to be done. Why do such things that won't be a good thing or a benefit to you? Why do anything that would harm you or even be the cause of your death? You see, there's more to life than what you are experiencing now, whether it os good or bad or a disaster. Always think of what will be the best for you, of what can be a way to celebrate the goodness and the beautiful life we have inspite of hardships and downfalls. Always imagine of the beautiful life you are experiencing, and the much more fullness of life ahead of you. There are so muny reasons to be happy, to be enjoying life. Don't take it too seriously, you still have a chance to save your life, to save you. Stop smoking. 

Theres's more to life than meets the eye. Enjoy life.

xoxo, Louise. 

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